César Mostacero


Hello, world! This is César Mostacero

About me

I'm a Data Engineer with over 7 years of experience working on the industry.

I specialize in designing and building data pipelines, integration systems, developing ETL/ELT/EL processes.

I'm passionate about general problem solving, mainly solving complex data engineering challenges.

With experience in a variety of tools and technologies, including the 3 main public cloud providers.

In my experience on consultancy companies, I have being able to not only deliver quality solutions, but also support multiple initiatives to open new clients, projects and positions.

Finally, as part of my career, I enjoy sharing my knowledge, technical and non-technical skills, therefore since some years ago I started mentoring people on data career path or specific technologies.


Programming languages: Python | Scala | Java

Cloud: GCP | Azure | AWS

Data Engineering: Apache-airflow | Apache-spark | Snowflake | Hadoop | Qubole | Segment | Stitchdata

Storage: Cloud-FS | OnPrem-FS | SQL | NoSQL | KV

Extras: ETL Observability | Data catalog | BDD/TDD for BigData | Automation | Data consumtion


Professional Data Engineer - GCP (View)

Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 (View)

Astronomer Certification DAG Authoring for Apache Airflow (View)

Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals (View)

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (View)

Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer (View)


Digital OnUs 2019-Present

Accenture 2017-2019

BSD Enterprise 2017

Scander 2016